Aleph Champion Program© is on the cutting edge of Hebrew reading today. Modeled after the Karate/Martial Arts motivational system, it works by dividing different reading skills into levels defined by color. Students understand that their teacher is a black aleph champion and their goal is to reach that level.
Reading groups are divided by color instead of age group, thereby allowing conscientious students to surpass the pace of their class and advance in reading on their own. This program ensures that students do not go on to a new level until they have truly mastered all that their current level expects them to know. This avoids the common problem of children learning to read without fully mastering a letter, vowel or concept in reading. Aleph Champ influences the child to motivate themselves to advance in their Hebrew Reading.
Each level is divided into three stripes. As the children progress within their reading primer, they are awarded a stripe. Stripes keep students motivated in the long haul from one level to the next. The excitement of receiving a stripe keeps up the Aleph Champ momentum.
Aleph Champ Levels:
White Aleph Champion- master the first 18 letters of the Aleph Bet
Red Aleph Champion - Master all 32 letters of the Aleph Bet.
Orange Aleph Champion - Master the first 3 vowels with letter combinations.
Yellow Aleph Champion - Master the first 6 vowels with letter combinations.
Green Aleph Champion - Master the first 9 vowels with letter combinations.
Blue Aleph Champion - Master all the vowels and exceptions to the rules.
Purple Aleph Champion - Master reading basic prayers.
Brown Aleph Champion - Master reading higher level Tefillot.
Grey Aleph Champion - Master reading from the Siddur in a timed fashion.
Black Aleph Champion - Master reading over 100 words in a minute.